Governing Council Meeting
December 7, 2020
Call to order 2:04pm
● Welcome and Introductions. Present: Dominique Simmons, Becky Pritchett, Taylor Williams, Tina Belcher, Kara Alspaugh, Jasmine Thomas, Clair Bailey, Missy Belcher
● End of Semester Check-In. USM closed Tuesday before thanksgiving. State close Wednesday too. Mississippi college closed Wednesday. Everyone made it and the students are at home except the athletes and international students.
● President, Dominique
1. Vision- encouraging each other across the state through professional development, tips and resources to be shared with each other as we are still dealing with coronavirus and keeping morale up
2. Gmail Account- one central account now
3. MAHO 2020 Awards sent today, uploaded photos of winners to FB
4. Pictures & Message from Exec. Team- send photos to Dominique with a message from our positions
● Past President, Becky Pritchett
1. Figuring out a host and location for next year’s conference
2. Ready to help out with other stuff (bylaws committee)
● President Elect, Taylor Williams
1. Professional Development, Diversity and Includsion, Student Support and Involvement committees have been active
2. Absorbing Pro Devo committee into the other committees as action item?
3. Looking to keep MAHO relevant All Year
● Treasurer, Tina Belcher
1. Spent $60 for filing fee to switch from Becky to Dominique on the bank account
2. Spent $99 on awards
3. $13048.64 in account
4. Goal for this year is brainstorming ways to create revenue
5. Maybe getting MARS/MREAL restarted
● Secretary, Kara Alspaugh
1. Spamming state with minutes
2. Making sure minutes get put on website
3. Working on parliamentarian position
● Communication Coordinator, Jasmine Thomas
1. Make website and social media more interactive
2. Increase camaraderie and showcasing what we’re doing (wellness Wednesdays, Try This Thursday, monthly school or hall showcases, tabs for each school on the MAHO website, etc.)
● Graduate Student Representative, Clair Bailey
1. Monthly GA professional development sessions, has already contacted some potential presenters
2. Start planning MREAL conference virtually
● State Representative, Missy Belcher
1. Free registration for SEAHO
2. Program submissions still open til 12/14
3. Some awards are still open as well (Covid award, maybe similar to the MAHO service award where everyone gets recognized)
4. Turned in SEAHO report a couple weeks ago
5. Make sure to submit to SEAHO Report for published articles as well
III. MAHO Updates
● MAHO 2021 Host/Location
1. Starting with asking Ole Miss (was next in the rotation for 2020 anyway) and then going from there
● MAHO Interest Form
1. Results from post-MAHO 2020 survey
■ Would like more panels/pro dev. discussions, more smaller institutions being represented at MAHO, more advocacy and affinity group presence, dialogue around curricular approach, collaboration opportunities, aim for MAHO All Year
● MAHO Events
1. Brainstorm socials, etc.
● List Serv/SHO Contacts
1. Needs to be updated; the sign up on the website isn’t creating a list serv anymore
● Vacant Positions
1. SHO liaison interest?
IV. Questions
V. Comments or Institution Announcements
Dominque Simmons is now an AD for Residence Life, at MSU!
VI. Adjournment 2:49pm