Call to order 2:03pm 6/3/21
Present: Dominique Simmons, Kara Alspaugh, Tina Belcher, Taylor Williams, Emily Styles
President, Dominique Simmons
MAHO Outreach and events
Lunch and Learn had a lot of people sign up but several didn’t show
Potential Lunch and Learn around programming or curriculum, but interest in leadership orgs like RHA also
Ideas for social events, especially over the summer? Grad meet and greet during grad training
Fundraising ideas: sip and paint, krispy kreme, virtual raffle, donations to the account during the conference, gift packages raffle based on geography (south/coast, Jackson area, Oxford, etc.)
Past President, Becky Pritchett
Bylaws Committee has met and by next meeting will have bylaws and constitution adjustments to present to Governing Council
President Elect, Taylor Williams
Committees: meeting 6/4/21 with chairs; aiming to start up some professional development efforts for the summer
Treasurer, Tina Belcher
Spent a little on sending out swag for the first lunch and learn
$13,523.75 in account
Secretary, Kara Alspaugh
No Report
Communication Coordinator, Jasmine Thomas
Set up RSVP for events via website
Instagram is set up so if you want to put stuff on there, let her know
Graduate Student Representative quit the position
Stephanie Skerlak, MSU Community Director, wants to advise MREAL and experience with SAACURH e-board
Still trying to do the MREALconference
State Representative, Missy Belcher
July 1 SEAHO report deadline; calling less-active schools to get some updates
Camp MAHO 2021 @ Ole Miss
Next host committee meeting in July
Contacting possible keynotes this month
Would like a confirm virtual or in-person conference
Comments or Institution Announcements
New Assistant Director Lauren Bergholz Oliver starts at UM 6/21/21
V. Adjournment 2:34pm 6/3/21