Call to order 9:32am 4/6/21
Present: Dominique Simmons, Becky Pritchett, Kara Alspaugh, Tina Belcher, Clair Bailey, Taylor Williams, Emily Styles, Missy Belcher
President, Dominique Simmons
MAHO Outreach and events
Potential Lunch and Learns:
Residence Life Curriculum
Potentially sending swag items to folks who attend the lunch and learns
Past President, Becky Pritchett
Bylaws Committee: meeting next week
President Elect, Taylor Williams
Committees: Isaac Lias and Meg Freeman are chairs and getting started in the next week or so
Treasurer, Tina Belcher
No Report
Secretary, Kara Alspaugh
No Report
Communication Coordinator, Jasmine Thomas
Minutes and MAHO 2021 Logo added to the website
Fliers updated for lunch and learns online
Graduate Student Representative, Clair Bailey
Lunch and learn and virtual visit day was successful
Planning financial webinar for the summer months
MREAL Conference planning
MSU students are on the MREAL board (Social Media, Marketing, Social Gathering, Programming chairs)
Christian and Clair are grad advisors
Adventure/National Park is theme
October 15 and 16 (Friday-Saturday) virtual conference
State Representative, Missy Belcher
RELI- application closing this week
SEAHO report due in a while
Camp MAHO 2021 @ Ole Miss
Emily Style ( ) is the Chair- if you have questions or want to help, let her know!
Virtual Conference will be free to attend!
November 3-5 “MAHO Mornings”
Looking for around 18 programs for 6 sessions
2 social fun things, 1 keynote
Will be posting schedule/program on website instead of using guidebook
Reach out to Caitlyn ( if interested in program
Will be getting a pro Zoom account for the dates of MREAL and MAHO
Comments or Institution Announcements
Chad Richmond started in UM 3/29/21 as Community Coordinator
V. Adjournment 9:59am 4/6/21