President (Missy)
- Call to Order - 11/8 at 10:58 AM
- Approving of Agenda -
- MS motions
- Waiving of MAHO 2017 Business Meeting Minutes
Conference Chair (Danlana)
- Overview of MAHO 2018
President (Missy)
- General Overview
- Constitutional Amendments that were voted on:
1. New verbage: The officers of MAHO include the President, Past-president,
Secretary, Treasurer, SEAHO state representative, Communications
Coordinator, Conference Coordinator, a graduate student representative, Vendor
Liasion, and Senior Housing Officer Representative
a. Motion to vote: UM
b. Seconded: USM
c. Yes: 10 No: 0 Abstained: 0
2. President:
a. President will have the choice to call upon the executive council which will
consist of those persons appointed by the president to plan the annual
MAHO conference. This group will represent the various types of
institutions within the state.
b. The president reserves the right to suggest individuals to serve on the
host committee. It is advised that host committee consists of individuals
from different institutions to ensrure that the region is represented on the
host committee.
i. Motion to vote: USM
ii. Seconded: Tougaloo College
iii. Yes: 10 No:0 Abstained: 0
3. Secretary: The secretary will be elected for a one-year term by a majority vote
(51%) by the membership at the annual conference. The secretary will prepare
and distribute minutes of the meeting and will maintain all minutes and a copy of
the update constitution on the Google drive to pass onto the secretary-select.
Secretary is responsible for maintain a backup copy should Google Drive
a. Motion to vote: Hinds Community College
b. Seconded: UM
c. Yes: 10 No: 0 Abstained: 0
4. Treasurer: The treasurer will be elected every year by a majority vote (51%) by
the membership at the annual conference. The treasurer position will be
restricted to one re-election. The treasurer has custody of all fund and property of
the membership. The treasurer coordinates with the host committee on finances
for the annual conference. The treasurer is responsible for coordinate the
SEAHO fee-waiver for the Best of MAHO program and Graduate Student of the
Year and for filing taxes on behalf of MAHO.
a. Motion to vote: UM
b. Seconded: USM
c. Yes: 10 No:0 Abstained: 0
5. SEAHO State Representative: The SEAHO state representative must have
previous officer experience and will be elected every other year by a majority
vote (51%) by the membership at the annual conference. The responsibilities
include serving on the SEAHO Governing Council and SEAHO Program
Committee, submitting a report to SEAHO twice a year, maintaining
correspondence with the state regarding SEAHO, and updating the state
directory. This position does not transition at the annual MAHO conference due
to SEAHO constitution. The transition will take place at the close of following
SEAHO conference.
a. Motion to vote: UM
b. Seconded: USM
c. Yes: 10 No: 0 Abstained: 0
6. Conference Coordinator: This person will be selected by the SHO of the host
institution. This person will be charged with forming a host committee
representing institutions from the region of which the MAHO conference is
located for that year.
a. Motion to vote: USM
b. Seconded: UM
c. Yes: 10 No:0 Abstained: 0
7. The Graduate Student Representative will lead the graduate student roundtable
session at the annual MAHO conference. The Graduate Student Representative
will also serve as the chair of the Student Support and Involvement Committee.
a. Motion to vote: UM
b. Seconded: MSU
c. Yes: 10 No: 0 Abstained: 0
8. Combining the Vendor Liaison and Senior Housing Officer Representative on the
Governing Council to be effective for MAHO 2019.
a. Motion to vote: UM
b. Seconded: USM
c. Yes: 10 No: 0 Abstained: 0
9. MAHO Executive Board reserves the right to activate or deactivate any standing
committees based on need and interest.
a. Motion to Vote: Hinds Community College
b. Seconded: UM
c. Yes: 10 No: 0 Abstained: 0
10. Conference Committee: The MAHO conference will be planned and implemented
by a committee comprised of MIssissippi housing professionals who do not
currently serve on the MAHO Governing Council. This committee will meet
regularly to ensure that tasks and events leading up to the conference are
occuring in a timely and fiscally responsible manner. The Conference Chair of the
Conference Committee will select the committee based on interest,
representation, and capability. It is advised that the host committee consist of
individuals from different institutions to ensure that the region is represented on
the host committee. The following positions are required to be represented on the
committee, but the Conference Chair can create additional position based on the
needs of the conference. Conference Chair, Programming Chair, Registration
Chair, Conference Treasurer
a. Motion to vote: MSU
b. Seconded: Hinds Community College
c. Yes: 10 No: 0 Abstained: 0
11. Lorinda Khrut New Professional Award: Awarded to one recipient for outstanding
contributions and service to his or her institution. Recipients must have worked
for the institution for at least one year but no more than five years. This award
shall consist of an individual plaque given to the recipient,.
a. Motion to vote: USM
b. Seconded: Antonelli College
c. Yes: 9 No: 0 Abstained: 1
12. Ann Bailey Mid Level Professional Award: Awarded to one recipient for
outstanding contributions and service to his or her institution. Recipients must
have worked for more than five years in the profession. The award shall consist
of an individual plaque given to the recipient.
a. Motion to vote: USM
b. Seconded: Alcorn State University
c. Yes: 10 No: 0 Abstained: 0
President-Elect (Alonzo)
- This is the first year that we have opened up having a representative from eve
- MAHO Service Award (Winners):
- Margaret Dotson
- Gloria Davis
- Taylor Williams
- Kara Alspaugh
- Anthony Calcagno
- Shannon Hicks
- Heather Broughton
- Megan Johnson
- Ben St. Cyr
- Crystal Henry
- Missy Belcher
- Tony W. Cawthon Award (Winner)
- Missy Belcher
- Graduate Student of the Year Award (Winner)
- Taylor Guss
- Lorinda Krhut New Professional Award (Winner)
- Taylor Williams
- Best of MAHO Award
- Holly Grider & Katie McBride, USM “Just Call me Coach”
Treasurer (Kara)
- Current account balance is $6,905.39
- Reimbursement form on -> forms
- We now have online banking and a debit card.
- UM is taking a bus to SEAHO and others can join for a fee similar to years past - contact
Bree Gates at
Communications Coordinator (Ben)
- Website is live at
- Brand new instagram is up @mahoconnect
- Moving forward with social media platforms
- Developed template for institutions to submit updates for the SEAHO report
- Increased response from institutions in comparison to years past
Mississippi State Rep (Jamal)
- Register as a member for This helps keep an accurate state directory.
- All 10 states will be represented in the next SEAHO report. If you would like your
institution to be represented, your submission need to be in by February 5.
- SEAHO 2019 will be in Jacksonville, FL from February 25 - March 1st
- We may be moving to SEAHO/MAHO online voting to allow individuals who are not at
the conference to still vote
- Looking into an online vendor where patrons can purchase SEAHO swag
- SEAHO looking how to get smaller institutions to participate. MAHO can follow similar
suggestions. Some of the suggestions were as follows):
- Encourage scholarships from the state for delegates
- Know the list serves and/or connection sources from niche schools. Ex. HBCUs,
religiously-affiliated and private institutions, and community colleges
- Round table discussions with like-style school sizes
- Stream program sessions live or make available for later views
- Contact institutions directly
- Promotional Video for the conference
- Reaching out individually to those institutions when the conference is in their area
Missy, President(In lieu or Past- Presidnet Crystal Henry)
- If your institution is located in the northern region and is interested in hosting MAHO
2019, please get in contact with Crystal Henry)
Elections (Kara)
- Download the Nearpod app and create an anonymous name for your institution. We only
need one person per school.
- President - Elect Candidate(s):
- Becky Pritchett (9 votes), USM - Elected
- 2 institutions abstained
- Secretary Candidate(s):
- Meg Freeman (3 votes), USM
- Ellen Kaasik (6 votes), UM - Elected
- Tina Belcher (1 vote), MSU
- 1 institution abstained
- Treasurer Candidate(s):
- Kara Alspaugh (9 votes), UM - Elected
- 2 institutions abstained
- Communications Coordinator Candidate(s):
- Ben St. Cyr, MGCCC (8 votes) - Elected
- Taylor Williams (2 votes), USM
- 1 institution abstained
- Graduate Student Rep Candidate(s):
- Elizabeth Marisa Rosenbach, MSU (7 votes) - Elected
- Kristen Upp (3 votes), UM
- 1 institution abstained
- Senior Housing Officer Rep Candidate(s):
- Calvin D. Bennett, MCC (7 votes)- Elected
- 3 institutions abstained
- Vendor Liaison Candidate(s):
- Dr. Scott Blackwell (9 votes), USM - Elected
- Dante Hill (1 vote), MSU
- 1 institution abstained
President-Elect (Alonzo)
- Welcome 2019 MAHO Board!
- Lunch upstairs
- MAHO Exec Board stay behind for picture
- General Announcements
- 2019 MAHO Board meet in Room 229 for updates!
Meeting ended at 12:12 PM