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Executive Board Minutes 5.4.18

May 4, 2018 MAHO Executive Board Minutes

Missy Belcher, Kara Alspaugh, Jamal Jones, Dr. Scott Blackwell, Danlana Brooks present; meeting called to order at 9:05 am.

1. President - Missy

a. MAHO site visit- will send in an email with details regarding visit to the board; last year it was in June. Danlana updated that May 16th at 1pm, she is meeting with the hotel about room blocks, pricing, shuttle accommodations, social space, etc. Hotel still being built so we may have to abbreviate the visit but it will be ready for November. Will try for a late June site visit but can push into July if needed.

b. New meeting time- Missy will send Doodle poll out to the Board, aiming for Friday afternoons.

2. Past President - Crystal

a. Updates- none

3. President Elect - Alonzo

a. Updates- working with committee chairs to jump start the committees; Missy will reach out to him to see how Board can best support his efforts.

4. Treasurer - Kara

a. Account Balance- checking with Deandre and will report to the Board once she knows; getting with Deandre to get account transferred to business account in late May.

b. Still trying to verify amount for MAHO 2017 honorarium to send to Ann Bailey and will do so as soon as that total is confirmed.

5. State Rep - Jamal

a. Updates- SEAHO Freeform conference call is May 16th (last one is June 20th); RELI is May 30-June 2 at USC in Columbia, South Carolina. Ben St. Cyr is attending RELI and will update us if another Mississippi professional is attending.

6. Communication Coordinator - Ben

a. Instagram Account

i. mahoconnect = username; publicize this now!

b. Facebook Account

i. There has been more traffic, but we would like to see more; please encourage your staffs and colleagues at other institutions to like the page (even colleagues at other institutions out of state).

ii. MAHO Executive Board Minutes are going to a thread on the Facebook page.

c. Website

i. Almost completed for approval by Board

ii. Need to vote to allocate funds for yearly fee – Missy will send an electronic vote next week

d. SEAHO Report

i. If you have news for your institution please send to Ben will also put up a post on Facebook and Instagram asking for SEAHO report information so be on the lookout for that.

7. Secretary - Ellen

a. Institution policies

i. Most institutions have their policies online, so we want to compile a list of links for the new MAHO website.

ii. MAHO program committee question- Taylor Williams is coordinator for programs and Ellen wanted a list of 2018 programs when it is ready.

8. Grad Rep - Dylan

a. Updates- none

9. Vendor Liaison - Jamie

a. Updates- none

10. SHO Representative – Dr. Blackwell

a. Updates- have sent two notices to SHOs for MAHO and is trying to make a comprehensive and accurate list of current SHOs; goal: during summer, reach out over the phone to 3 SHOs per week to introduce himself and remind them about the MAHO 2018 conference (drum up attendance) and assess needs; trying to get access to MACSAP email list to try to get folks to an inexpensive professional development opportunity since MACSAP hasn’t happened since 2016. Missy introduced idea of a Student Affairs program track for MAHO to merge that opportunity while increasing attendance (will send email vote to board to approve track); Dr. Blackwell suggested round tables for grads including moderators to assess new issues and trends and needs.

11. MAHO Conference Chair - Danlana

a. Updates- setting up meeting with hotel and Aramark, after May closing. Asked for a list of vendors from last year. Asked if vendors generally donate swag (generally do not) but they do pay vendor registration.

Meeting adjourned at 9:47am.

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