MAHO Gov Council Meeting Minutes 10/5/18
Crystal Henry, Missy Belcher, Alonzo Bouldin, Kara Alspaugh, Ben St. Cyr, Dr. Scott Blackwell, Danlana Brooks (conference chair), Jeffery Massanelli (host committee) present
1. Crystal (Past President): Mississippi Valley State University is considering bidding for the 2019 conference, and we would like other bids to keep coming in so we have a healthy pool from which to vote. Considering proposing new legislation for the constitution that conference chair by voted on at current MAHO conference for the following year. Award nomination information has been sent to Ben, Communications Chair, to post on the website.
2. Alonzo (President-Elect): We have started receiving nominations for awards and Alonzo is currently working on beefing up the awards committee by contacting SHOs. There was discussion of purchasing plaques for past 2 years’ winners because the finances were unreachable; council decided against that until after the 2018 Conference to see what the organization’s finances really look like. Grad of the Year, New Professional of the Year, and Tony H. Cawthorn Awards will be receiving plaques this year.
3. Kara (Treasurer): There is now a MAHO Request for Funds form for members or entities to use to request funds or for reimbursement and will be moved to a Google form soon. Current account balance is $6574.39, which includes checks ordered by Alonzo at $113.14.
4. Ben (Communications): Website and social media is being updated regularly with award and executive officer nominations. Ben has asked for updates from each institution for the SEAHO report.
5. Jamal (State Representative to SEAHO): Jamal is headed to the mid-year conference this month in Jacksonville and has also requested updates from each institution to update the mandatory mid-year report.
6. Danlana (2018 Conference Chair): Registration was 36 when recently checked, and the schedule will be released sometime in the next week. Facilities are reserved and various swag is being ordered. Registrants can use the University’s Rec Center while at the conference. Conference travel and transportation info will be out soon to registrants. Current institutions represented in registration include Southern Miss, Ole Miss, MSU, Coahoma Community College, Hinds Community College, MGCCC. William Kerry and Jones CC are anticipated to be attending as well. Missy will send out a list of schools for the Governing Council to call to make sure they know about registration.
7. Scott (SHO Liaison): We currently have 12 corporate partner vendors, and contributions from them (including registration) total $5300 so far. We have room for more corporate partners, so if you know any, please contact Scott.
The next Governing Council meeting is 10/12 at 3pm, followed by 10/26 and 11/2 at the same times.
Meeting adjourned 3:40pm.