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Governing Council Meeting Minutes 1.25.21

Writer's picture: MAHOMAHO

Updated: Sep 13, 2021

Governing Council Meeting

January 25, 2021

I. Call to order: 9:02am

A. Present: Dominque Simmons, Becky Pritchett, Taylor Williams, Kara Alspaugh, Missy Belcher, Clair Bailey; Emily Styles (2021 Conference Chair)

II. Reports

A. President, Dominique Simmons

1. Increasing MAHO programming- roundtables on hiring, training, residential curriculum

2. Gmail password has changed

3. MAHO award being re-mailed to Ole Miss

4. SEAHO Registration is open and FREE!

B. Past President, Becky Pritchett

1. MAHO 2021 Host Committee- Emily Styles is Conference Chair with University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) hosting

2. Bylaws committee will be ramping up after SEAHO, will ask for interested parties during SEAHO state meeting

C. President Elect, Taylor Williams

1. Isaac Lias to return as Chair for Diversity, Social Justice, and Inclusion Committee

a) Roundtables, difficult conversations, social media allyship series, affinity spaces all year

2. Reinstating Institutional Development and Involvement Committee

a) Curriculum conversations, strategic planning roundtables, Covid operations roundtables

3. Deactivating Professional Development Committee for this term and will ask participants for interest in other two committees

D. Treasurer, Tina Belcher (not present)

1. Received USM check from MAHO 2020 registration

2. Total $13,823.85 in account

E. Secretary, Kara Alspaugh

1. Will be reviewing institutional websites for most updated emails for listserve

F. Communications Coordinator, Jasmine Thomas (not present)

1. Continue utilizing Facebook and Instagram accounts!

G. Graduate Student Representative, Clair Bailey

1. Development Session on 1/22 went well, former MS grads presented

2. Development Session Ideas

a) Looking for individuals to present on topics listed below- please reach out to Clair or GC with contact info!

(1) March: Diversity

(2) May: Networking

(3) June/July: summer chat?

(4) September: Conference Presentations

(5) October: Diversity

(6) Additional topic idea: personal finance

b) Currently working with Ole Miss to set up grad development day at MSU in late February/early March

3. MREAL Conference

a) Interest survey sent out to all schools in state

b) MSU, Itawamba Community College, Mississippi College, and Hinds Community College have indicated interest

c) MSU has offered to host virtually in the Fall

d) Please reach out if your school would like to participate and possibly host in the future!

H. State Representative, Missy Belcher

1. SEAHO Registration is, again, Free!!

2. RELI will be virtual this year and will include a 4-year cohort since the 2020 conference was cancelled

3. Please provide updates to Missy by February 3rd for inclusion in SEAHO Report

III. New Business

A. MAHO 2021, Emily Styles

1. Conference will be virtual and will have more activities to engage membership outside of sessions like scavenger hunts, Bingo, etc.

B. Revenue Idea- working with apparel company to create MAHO apparel

IV. Institutional Announcements

A. Ole Miss hiring for entry level Community Coordinator position(s)

B. Ole Miss has hired a new Graduate Assistant, Hauwa Imran, for Minor Hall

C. USM has hired a new Director, Theresa Crumb, who will start in late March

D. MSU searching for entry level Community Coordinator position(s)

E. MSU has hired a new Assistant Director, Emily

F. MSU searching for AD for Occupancy Management

G. JSU Hiring entry level position(s)

V. Adjournment: 9:59am

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